The 2024 Guide To The Google Grant For Churches

The 2024 Guide
To The
Google Ad Grant For Churches

In 2024, Google search is the go-to way for people today to ask questions, get directions, and find answers. If your church isn't using Google to promote your business, you may miss out on gaining new followers and reaching a broader audience.

The good news is that Google offers the Google Ad Grant, a generous program designed to provide funding for the marketing efforts of nonprofit organizations. With this grant, your church can significantly increase its online visibility and outreach. Imagine the next time someone searches for "best church near me" or "looking to build a faith-based community," your church will likely appear as the top result, drawing in more site visitors and potentially expanding your congregation like never before. This incredible opportunity allows your church to make a greater impact and connect with more people in need of spiritual guidance and community support.

Rather than managing an entire Google Ad platform alone, turn to an experienced web marketing team. Let Faithworks Marketing handle the Google Ad campaigns and beyond for radical results.

The Google Ad Grant is an "in-kind" grant that is given in the form of credit in your Google Ad account.
This grant is not funding for your non-profit or Church.

What Are Google Ad Grants?

The Google Ad Grant is a grant from the famous tech company Google. This grant allots up to $10,000 monthly for advertising for your church. 

Not just anyone is eligible for the Google Ad Grants for nonprofits. However, many 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organizations qualify with valid charity status. You'll likely qualify if your church is a registered nonprofit (not affiliated with a school, governmental institution, or hospital.)

The Google Ad grant policies are not overly strict. However, to ensure that you qualify for Google Grant Ads, it's important to verify your eligibility.


An Overview of the Google Ad Grants Program for Your Church

This program offers a comprehensive approach to managing Google Grants. Instead of juggling various platforms and analytics tools, Google's ad network and analytics tools provide free grants and basic Google ads services to all eligible organizations. Keep reading to discover the benefits you'll gain from the Google Ad Grants program.

The Basics

Google ad grants are your church's way of reaching more people and spreading your message to a greater audience through paid ads. Qualified and approved nonprofits could receive $10,000 in ad credits every month. You can use these credits to pay for carefully targeted ads that show up in Google searches, putting your nonprofit's name in front of more people.

Millions of people use Google everyday to find products, services, and information.

Google ad grants give your church the unique opportunity to reach more of these users and spread your message. Thanks to the grant, Google essential pays for your Google search ads, offering benefits for both your budget and reach.


Google's ad grant offers a valuable financial opportunity for eligible organizations. But what criteria determine eligibility for your organization? Here's what you should keep in mind:

  • Your organization must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the U.S. or have a similar status.
  • Hospitals, government institutions, and schools or colleges do not qualify.
  • Your website should fit Google's high standards (such as being hosted on your own domain)
  • Your church must agree to Google's terms of service for nonprofits and Google ads.

The Clear Advantages of Using Google Ads in 2024

There are plenty of benefits to using the Google Ads Grants platform. After your nonprofits account setup, you can create ad campaigns for free. In addition, there are numerous advantages listed below.

  • Using more specialized ads and Google AdWords means more new visitors
  • Everything for your Google Ad Grant management is in one place (free Google Ads, paid Google Ads, conversion tracking, Google communication platforms, etc.).
  • No more overly generic keywords, single word keywords, or negative keywords. Instead, you'll run smart campaigns that expand your congregation's horizons.
  • More meaningful conversions from your websites.
  • Increased chances of showing up in Google search results

What Are the Steps to Getting the Google Ad Grant for Your Church?

The steps to getting the Google Ad grant include filling out a form. After you've made the nonprofit account, you apply for the church grant.

Post application approval, you get $10,000 in advertising tools per month. If Google denies your application, you can always reapply, ensuring your current nonprofit meets the correct criteria.

Better yet, let one of the experienced team members at Faithworks Marketing complete the application for you. We can make the application process as easy as possible from start to finish so you can start your ad campaign sooner rather than later.

How Do I Create a Google Ads Account?

The process may feel complex when starting with the Google Ad Grant program. However, here are some straightforward tips for setting up your Google Ad Grants account.

First, you head to the Google for Nonprofits website. After scrolling down these landing pages, you'll see a link to the ad grant application used to check your eligibility requirements. All eligible nonprofits will then request a Google for Nonprofits account.

Following this request, you'll receive an email from the Google Ads platform verifying your account. After you activate via email, you'll have access to Google Analytics, Google Grants, free advertising credits, and much more.

Management Options for Google Ad Grant Account

Now that you see the obvious benefits of your Google Ad account and have completed the application, you're wondering what comes next. The final step for your Google Ads Grant is finding a way to manage the account. After all, just signing up doesn't wholly utilize the platform to its capacity.

Instead, consistent management is essential for optimal outcomes. When it comes to management approaches, you have two options: oversee it personally or enlist professionals to manage the marketing.

To get the best results, we'd recommend letting a web marketing professional handle the account activity. The Faithworks Team manages grant and paid campaigns to help you get the most online visibility out of your Google account.


Get Started

Let Faithworks Marketing Handle It All

The Faithworks Marketing team ensures individualized marketing plans that work. Together, they know how to combine carefully free and paid targeted ads, Google analytics, social media digital marketing, and search-engine-optimized keyword research for the most comprehensive marketing strategy.

We can write ads and get your name onto the search results pages. Call our team today at (470) 657-0274 for high-impact results for your church.

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